Monday, October 12, 2009

Getting it out there

So here I am, sitting in front of my laptop listening to music like I always do when I write. I'm a lover of fantasy fiction, action and adventure books and I've already begun self publishing the first of a few books I have in my head. (That's the cover right there on the left) The self publishing process has pretty much stressed me out as of late and I'm pretty fed up with the whole thing. At first I just wanted to write my own book and have a "real" copy of it that I can put on my shelf next to some of my fav's. Somehow, I went from that simple desire to thinking of making money off it. There's really nothing wrong with that, but it's not why I even wrote the thing in the first place. Now I'm too busy worrying about proofreading, pre-order dates, marketing and competition. When you add that to the fact that I'm in the Army and I work a crazy schedule that leaves very little time for me to even start on book #2. So I've made up my mind on what I want to do and I hope the few people who actually want to read this will be happy. I'm still going to self publish this novel and It will still be available for order pretty soon. From what I've been told, anyone who orders from Amazon pr B&N will have a copy in their hand by Dec. 20th. However, I'm no longer worried about marketing and all that. I'm just going to write and publish my stories on this blog.

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